New formal appointments

April 2021

We are honored and grateful to be able to announce two new formal appointments to the list of those who nourish and deepen the impact of our Institute’s projects.

Alicia “Lish” Lindsey joins us as Manager of the Japanese Instrumental Training Program. Lish, who has a wide-ranging career performing and teaching the flute and piccolo, studied in the Gagaku ensemble class in Columbia University’s Music Performance Program focusing on the ryūteki (transverse flute) and now teaches the class.

Dr. Sadako Ohki, formerly one of staff of the IMJS and a longtime collaborator in our research on documents related to our Imperial Buddhist Convent Research Initiative, and currently, since 1999, Japan Foundation Associate Curator of Japanese Art, Yale University Art Gallery, joins Toshi Ichiaynagi, Haruko Komoda, and Takafumi Tanaka on our Advisory Board.